Frequently asked questions

BEST can contact you on behalf of the entity with which you have financial arrears (e.g. on behalf of a bank or a mobile operator) or on behalf of an entity to which your debt has been sold (e.g. on behalf of BEST NFIZW).

If the client fails to comply with the terms of the contract, the creditor has the right to transfer the case to another company or sell their claims.

Every time we confirm the identity of the caller, detailed personal data of our clients and only allow us to provide information about the debt.

BEST operates in accordance with the Principles of Good Practices (Debt Collection), which regulate, among other things, the frequency of contacts with debtors. Staying in touch is extremely important. In this way you have an impact on how your case is handled and you receive current information on subsequent measures that we undertake. During each call we help you to find the best way out of your current situation.

You can contact us by phone, e-mail or ordinary mail. All communication channels to contact BEST are listed in the CONTACT tab.

We offer many restructuring products that facilitate debt repayment. Contact us by phone or in writing (by letter or e-mail) to determine the most convenient form of debt repayment

It depends on the form of the settlement – we offer settlements concluded only by phone and those for which documents must be returned within the prescribed period. Check the documents sent to you how you should act. If in doubt, please contact us.

You can close the case at any time by paying off the whole debt. To do this, you should call a BEST consultant to get the accurate information about the outstanding amount.

You are a member of the immediate family of the deceased, so you are in the circle of statutory heirs. In accordance with the provisions of the Polish Civil Code (Article 922 § 1 et seq.), upon the death of a person, all rights and obligations of the deceased pass to his/her heirs.

BEST S.A. cooperates with the largest Credit Reference Agencies (BIGs) in the market. If they have you on record, it may result in difficulties in signing contracts (including hire purchase contracts) with TV operators, phone operators, banks and other entities.

BEST enters its clients into the Credit Information Bureau’s (BIK) files. In order to update your status with BIK, you should repay your debt and report the fact to the entity that has reported you to BIK.

BIK is an abbreviation of the Polish name of the Credit Information Bureau (Biuro Informacji Kredytowej) – an entity whose services are used by banks. BIG is an abbreviation of the Polish name of the Credit Reference Agency (Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej) – an entity whose services are used not only by banks but also by other institutions and enterprises.

Yes, if you default on your debt-related payments, we charge late payment interest (commonly referred to as “penalty interest”).

Discontinuation of the enforcement procedure by a judicial enforcement officer is not tantamount to debt remission. Following the discontinuation of the enforcement procedure, the creditor may refer the case again to a judicial enforcement officer. Throughout the entire time, contractual interest may accrue on the debt. So do not wait – contact a BEST consultant and ask about the available forms of repayment.

If this is the case, it is best to immediately contact BEST to avoid the litigation process. This is possible provided that we agree the terms for repayment of your debt.

If this is the case, it is best to immediately contact the judicial enforcement officer’s office in order to agree the terms for repayment of your debt.

If this is the case, you should report the fact immediately to the police or the public prosecutor’s office and contact a BEST consultant.

To do this, please send to BEST a signed power of attorney, authorising the third party to contact us on your behalf. You can download a specimen POA in the DOCUMENTS FOR DOWNLOAD tab.

All phone conversations with BEST employees are recorded and processed in accordance with the provisions of telecommunications law so as to ensure security for our clients.

BEST processes your personal data based on the agreement with the creditor so as to carry out debt collection activities. Such data makes it possible for us, among other things, to confirm the identity of a person that we talk to on the phone, which excludes the risk of disclosing information on your debt to third parties.

BEST does not charge any additional costs in connection with its debt collection activities.

“You have the right to file a complaint, which may be done:

in writing – personally at each office of BEST S.A. indicated on our website www.best.com.pl or by sending your complaint to the following mailing address: BEST S.A. ul. Stoczniowa 2, 82-300 Elbląg;
verbally – personally to be recorded in a report drafted during the Customer’s visit at an office of BEST S.A. indicated on our website www.best.com.pl;
electronically – by e-mail sent to: [email protected].
A complaint regarding financial services may be submitted by telephone on +48 (58) 769-92-00. In this case, a response to the complaint is sent in writing and if requested by the Customer, electronically to an e-mail address provided by the Customer.”

Each complaint should include the data allowing us to verify the Customer submitting the complaint, in particular the first name and surname or company name, PESEL or REGON number, residence/seat address and a detailed description of the object of the complaint.

The complaint is considered within 30 days of its receipt and in particularly complex cases, within no more than 60 days.

Each complaint should contain data enabling verification of the Customer submitting the complaint, in particular the name and surname or company name, PESEL or REGON number, address of residence/registered office and a possibly detailed description of the subject of the complaint.

The complaint is considered within 30 days from the date of its receipt (unless the provisions of generally applicable law provide for other response deadlines).
If it is not possible to consider the complaint within 30 days, BEST S.A. will notify you by letter about the actions taken to consider the complaint or the reasons for its failure to process it on time, as well as about the new deadline for considering the complaint. However, the new deadline should not exceed 60 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

BEST S.A. offers its clients several ways to verify the amount of debt. The most convenient way is to create an individual account on the BEST Online platform, where you can obtain information about the exact amount remaining to be repaid. All channels of contact with BEST S.A. are located in the CONTACT tab.

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